If it wasn't enough that Mum and Dad took me and Lola to a cat breeder yesterday, today we visited a Cat resort! Yes, cats get holidays too, and you should see the rooms they get. There are two 'specialty' rooms (the Zen Den and the Jungle room) and have TVs and everything. All the spaces have two levels and all have a sliding window which lets the cats sit in the sun and get a nice breeze too. I was so impressed, it looks like so much fun. I begged Mum and Dad to let me stay and have a holiday there but apparently I'm not even allowed!
(I got online this morning to see I had an email from a 'Mohamed Hussein' - no kidding - I don't even know anyone by that name so I deleted it - I hope it wasn't in response to my Brighten the Burka message. I honestly think colours are good?)
Catch you later - Jif-Jaf
P.S. check out http://www.catnipcattery.com.au/