Tonight I faced a bit of a quandry - watch the program on Puppy farms, or watch Insight and people debating the Burka. Mum didn't want to watch the puppy farming thing, she says she knows it goes on and doesn't need the visual images burned into her brain. She said she is glad that Puppy farming has been under the spotlight lately though, because there are still a lot of people around who impulse buy at pet shops and they need to know the background story. It's something that gets her mad. But she is not against breeders. Her and Dad have just finished photographing 13 cats! Yes - 13 CATS were in the studio (not ALL at the same time) but 13!! They wouldn't let me help. And she says the lady that breeds them is very responsible and produces healthy, beautiful specimens for people who are prepared to wait months and months because they really want that particular breed. This lady's not living in Sandy Bay on the profits, she loves what she does and after all the food bills and vets bills, she is simply providing an in-demand service - and why shouldn't she? Why should she feel bad, or the people that buy from breeders feel bad because of ignorant, lazy and ill-informed owners clogging up rescue centres with UNWANTED pets? I said to Mum - in a perfect world, all pets would come from responsible breeders (and she said I was very smart).
And so we watched Insight. I said to Mum - if they want to ban the Burka because some people think that in order to be equal, we aught to be able to see everyone's face, then, because you are always carrying Lola around, kissing her constantly, they should ban the Shih-Tzu (and she said I was a smart-arse!) But personally, I don't have a problem with Burkas - except maybe the colour - do they always have to be so black? Surely bright colours, or floral patterns would be a vast improvement. So I say, don't Ban the Burka, Brighten the Burka!
Anyway, what do you guys think?
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