Talking to my mates at the Dog's Home the other day, someone said that dogs are sometimes surrendered because their owners couldn't afford to feed them. That sounds weird to me, but I do live with the biggest tight-arse since Steptow, so I asked Mum to give me some tips.
- Buy bones at the wholesale butcher in Campbell street where for $1 you will get enough bones for about 15 decent sized meals. If you have a puppy, or a dog that's not used to bones, hammer them into a stump so that your doggie has no choice but to chew it.
- boil up a big pot of rice (brown is best, but more expensive, white has been linked to Diabetes all over the world). When cool, mix in a few grated carrots, grated brocolli stems, any raw veg you can find. Then mix in one or two cans of sardines in springwater (cheapest are Woolworths homebrand in packs of 3). Separate into freezerbags (homebrand small) and freeze most of them for later.
- Every time you go to the supermarket, check the meat section for discounted fresh liver. You can chop it up and mix with veges, freeze it or make liver treats. To make, slice liver very small and spread onto a lightly greased baking tray and pop in the oven on lowest possible setting overnight (if you have gas, maybe do it during the day just incase flame goes out, I dunno, I've got electric). Bits should be really hard and chewy. Keep in a airtight container for up to a week.
Just a note on poo, which should be 'kickable'. If your doggies poos aren't hard like mine, they need a diet change. If you are feeding canned food only, try mixing in a heap of raw veges, and if on a dry diet, try soaking in boiling water, adding veges and mushing it all up. Remember that variety is the spice of life and it's true for pooches too.
Next blog I'll share my favorite recipes,
Chow for now, Jiffajoffa
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